Assessment of the joints, and locomotor apparatus of the human body, this involves evaluating the ligaments, muscles and nerves that are responsible for the performance of the joints.
Orthopaedics 1. Intro. Injury Classification & Evaluation
Orthopaedics 2. Shoulder
Orthopaedics 3. Elbow
Orthopaedics 4. Wrist & Hand
Orthopaedics 5. Foot, Ankle & Lower Leg
Orthopaedics 6. The Knee
Orthopaedics 7. The Cervical Spine
Orthopaedics 8. The Lumbar Spine
Orthopaedics - 9. The Hip & Pelvis
Orthopaedics 10. The Cranial Nerves
Upper Extremities Tests prt. 1
Upper Extremities Tests prt. 2
Orthopaedics introduction and injury classification
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 2
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 3
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 4
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 5
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 6
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 7
Injury Classification Cont. Part. 8
Evaluation Format SOAP/HOPS
Orthopaedic Considerations
Orthopaedic and Neurological Evaluation - The Upper Extremity
The Upper Extremity - Part .2
The Upper Extremity - Part . 3
The Upper Extremity - Part . 4
The Upper Extremity - Part . 5
Elbow Injuries Part. 1
Elbow Injuries Part. 2
Wrist and Hand Injury Part. 1
Wrist and Hand Injury Part. 2
Wrist and Hand Injury Part. 3
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 1
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 2
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 3
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 4
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 5
Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Part. 6
Knee and Upper Thigh Injuries Part. 1
Knee and Upper Thigh Injuries Part. 2
Knee and Upper Thigh Injuries Part. 3
Knee and Upper Thigh Injuries Part. 4
Knee and Upper Thigh Injuries Part. 5
Cervical Spine Part. 1
Cervical Spine Part. 2
Cervical Spine Part. 3
Cervical Spine Part. 4
Lumbar Spine Part. 1
Lumbar Spine Part. 2
Lumbar Spine Part. 3
Lumbar Spine Part. 4
The Hip and Pelvis Part. 1
The Hip and Pelvis Part. 2
The Hip and Pelvis Part. 3
Cranial Nerves Part. 1
Cranial Nerves Part. 2
Cranial Nerves Part. 3